We can provide you with one-stop service, save you from all the troubles. We will first purchase the products you need and send the quotation, then you place the order, we will follow up the production progress, check the quality of the finished products, provide you with the tracking number for transportation, after the transportation of task problems, we will immediately solve for you. And no matter what your order quantity is, we will choose the most suitable factory or supplier for you.
Whether you’re new to importing products from China or not, we’re glad to help you throughout the whole process from sourcing products to shipping them to your door.
We can get lower product quotes from our factory partners than Alibaba suppliers. And we also encourage our clients to make price comparisons to ensure they get a competitive quote from us.
We will assign one specific agent for you in the sourcing process. He/She can help you solve every problem during the sourcing, production, inspection, and shipping.
We check a higher percentage of products than third-party inspection companies for free. In addition, we’re the only sourcing company that offers a full review to reduce the defect rate to 0.
We place a strong emphasis on product quality. We conduct a higher percentage of product checks compared to third-party inspection companies, and we offer this service for free. Moreover, we are the only sourcing company that provides 1-by-1 inspections to minimize the defect rate to zero.
Helping clients obtain competitive prices is one of our primary objectives. While many sourcing companies attract new clients with low service fees, they often quote expensive product prices. We, on the other hand, are transparent and encourage our clients to compare product prices to ensure they consistently receive competitive quotes from us.
We take all our clients seriously, regardless of the size of their orders, as we aim to foster long-term relationships. Unlike other Chinese suppliers and sourcing agents, we will make every effort to secure compensation and minimize your losses in the event of receiving defective products.
Our company has over 100 employees, each with years of experience in China sourcing across a wide range of products. In contrast, most other sourcing agents have smaller teams of fewer than 10 people with expertise limited to specific categories.
Our warehouse boasts a dedicated production department that sets us apart from many other factories. We’re able to complete packaging work that others cannot, including highly customized packaging for smaller orders, purchasing accessories to create bundled products, and conducting full inspections of products.
For large-scale or rapidly expanding companies, we offer a range of additional services. This includes assigning a team of up to 20 people, providing credit payment terms after receiving goods, and more.
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